Reasons Why You Should Buy Button-down Shirt.


A button-down shirt is a type of collarless shirt with a row of buttons down the front, which are the equivalent to the cuffs of a shirt. The shirt has a Western-style of shirt but the top button is left fastened so that the collar does not fold down and instead stands up around the neck.

Reasons why you should buy button-down shirt.

1. They are quick drying.

The reason why it is quick drying is because of the tightly knit cotton. This shirt does not soak up as much water as most other types of shirts do and therefore can be worn multiple times without having to be washed. The top button always holds the collar in place and there are rarely any wrinkles on the shirt either which makes it easy to pack away for travel.

2. They are easier to iron than most other shirts.

Ironing a button-down shirt is considerably easier than ironing a dress shirt because you can only iron the front and back of the shirt, instead of having to iron both sides of it like with a dress shirt or other types of shirts.

3. Some of them can be worn in different ways.

Depending on the type of shirt you buy, it could be worn long or short sleeves. You can also wear a shirt with a t-shirt under it as well, depending on the climate you live in and what your preference is. A button-down shirt also has many different colors to choose from. Some have more colors than other types but they are still available in all colors if needed.

4. They are comfortable to wear anywhere you go.

They can be worn slung over your shoulder, unbuttoned and with a t-shirt underneath, or anywhere else. They are loose fitting and comfortable enough to do any activity in. They are also available in many different materials, depending on what is most comfortable for you.

5. Button-down shirts are versatile.

These shirts can be worn for almost any event or occasion, formal or informal. They can also be thrown on with some jeans and a pair of sneakers or with a nice pair of dress pants. These shirts can be paired up with just about anything, so it is easy to wear them in any situation.

The bottom line is that a button-down shirt is a great shirt to own and wear, especially if you don’t have millions of dollars to spend on clothes. A lot of people have a tendency to over pack and not think about just how much they actually wear in their wardrobe.